Dear Village at Riverwalk Members:
This communication is to clarify the facts surrounding the mold remediation in the
Clubhouse and in the Office/Library building. Certain Co-op members are
spreading lies and incorrect facts regarding this situation. This communication
from the Co-op is to make clear the facts and circumstances.
Just after Hurricane Ian hit our area, a Board member contracted with a company
to inspect the clubhouse for mold. That pest control company’s inspection report
was ambiguous, and alluded there was mold in one place in the clubhouse.
The Co-op kept the building very cool and dry to try to stave off the growth of mold.
However, there were places of water intrusion in the clubhouse, and in December
more mold was found. This time, a certified mold testing company provided the
inspection, and the comprehensive 68-page report from that inspection showed
that there was not only airborne mold, but mold on surfaces. The mold was tested;
and the company advised that it needed to be remediated. The Co-op contracted
with Teasdale, a remediation company, to remediate the mold. Teasdale’s workers
wore hazmat suits and remediated the mold, which involved stripping up some of
the flooring and drywall. Once the clubhouse tested clear of mold, the clubhouse
was put back together. The inspection report and paid invoices for this work are all
official records of the Co-op, available upon proper request by any member of the
Later, employees in the office/library building were getting sick, and that building
was tested for mold. The Co-op had that remediated, consisting mostly of duct
work and detailing of the air conditioning system. The report and invoice for this
work are official records of the Co-op, available upon proper request by any
member of the Co-op.
The Co-op has submitted the invoices as part of its Hurricane Ian insurance claim.
Shareholder William Welk has routinely slandered the Board and its president by
claiming that the mold work was unnecessary; and that the president was
committing insurance fraud by filing the claim with the insurance company. This is
patently false and defamatory. The Board president and the Co-op did what was
necessary to rid the common area buildings of dangerous mold. Again, all records
supporting this are available for inspection. The Co-op will not tolerate the slinging
of such accusations and lies against the Board.